Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Update 7.28.09

It's 4am and we are getting ready to travel to the upper midwest for 12 days. Here is where we stand with the remodel. When we return we will be running wire, insulation, drywall, painting, flooring, mudding, and then finally furniture (desks). So we still have a ways to go. But first things first (wedding and visiting family, and talking to churches over the next 2 weeks).

Prayers are always appreciated!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Construction Begins!

The long awaited process of the storefront/storeroom has begun the transition into a office room, meeting center, media center, bathroom, and some storage and the "Official Headquarters of Benevolent Social Services of India" (B.S.S.I.).

enjoy the shots...

First, remove the articles in said "room"

Kaleb (left) and Matt (right) helping out...
(you can kind of see the new entrance from the living room on right
and the stage in front, 10 inches high, will step down into desk area.)

Finishing the door before bed (1am)

(there will be a wall put up here by next weekend,
and hopefully drywall also!)

We are also working for 6-7 hours on it today (Sunday afternoon)
more pictures later this week... enjoy this so far!