Oh boy…. What a day. As usual I ran in the morning, and enjoyed some time on the internet. I met with Mohandas (the financial head man here) for an hour to go over his view of things and some immediate needs (conversation still continuing next Monday/Tuesday), before breakfast..
I had a good day planned, I thought. Meet with Guvara Reddy again to discuss the leprosy and TB work (now that we have covered the HIV/AIDS work that we do). But then at the end of morning devotions that announcement was made that the main director of all of our state funding for HIV work ($40-50K a year) was coming to worship at the nearby temple and wished to stop and visit.
Mother hates living next to the
Kathryn was not feeling well at all today, and I laid down with her to take a nap after lunch around 2pm. Before I knew it I was a little sweaty and it was 4pm. And I thought, ‘Oh no, I am the Son-n-law and I missed meeting this gov’t official from
Only to find out that they called around 3pm and said that they were not coming…
So, as you might expect, this is the 78th time this has happened… (not sure on the number, they stopped counting after 15 I would guess)… it is quite common. And the frustrating thing is that my Father-n-law and Mohandas were going to run to the Chittoor District headquarters this morning (
So that was the majority of the day. I finished a book finally. And the family sat around the front yard and talked tonight from 6:30-8pm… and then we had baked potatoes! I read another couple chapters of ‘Atlas Shrugged’… and now to bed. Good night.
Prayers: RAIN. Only a few days left here.. we leave in 5 days from the hospital, ten days from
Praise: For drama, sometimes the most frustrating events in a day can keep everything in perspective and how meaningless much of life is… if you don’t have your priorities in check, or a God who is not bound by our drama to cling to when stress comes like rushing waters! I am thankful for the chance to laugh about today… when I wake tomorrow.
Thanks for many of the recent emails. If you are reading this faithfully please email Kathryn by surprise over the next 1-2 days just to bring some joy to her life here. Please, for me? Rees_Kathryn@juno.com
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