Today we enjoyed life as western tourists in India. At some point, you have to. And you don’t need to feel bad about it either, really. I am upset when I see missionaries starving themselves from enjoyment in a form of spiritual flogging—because they feel indulging the 5 senses in activities that they were meant for is somehow sinful. I will save my soapbox diatribe for another day-- but I feel that it would be an obligation to Christ's body at large to go body surfing in the ocean at least once a month on behalf of those who are brothers and sisters of mine ("in Christ") who cannot enjoy the ocean from Minnesota and Wisconsin and Indiana and... you get the point! I HOPE they would return the favor by enjoying some walleye each week for those of use who can't find them here!
So, we don’t usually eat out at the Malaysian restaurant, or have Domino’s Pizza (mostly for the fact that you can have around 10-15 meals in the village for the price of one pizza). But we enjoyed both today.
The ladies, driven by Suresh Attah, the majority of the morning and and afternoon finishing the shopping lists… So Ed & Charlotte, Dad and “members of the council” you all were on the list today. I think we are done now. And Suresh’s wife, Sangeetha, is on holiday for Saturday and Sunday (and was off of work tonight around 9pm to enjoy the pizza with us)… so, I am happy that we will be able to relax with her and the family and enjoy a couple last days together – to welcome Katie G. to the family in a calm way.
Instead of rattling on and on (as I am prone to do in the last days of a trip… ) I will leave the rest of today to pictures from the last two days.
I will recap Sunday and Monday late Monday afternoon and then post our itinerary as we leave from Chennai with Robert Monday and need to be at airport by 10pm for a 1am departure to "Amrika". Enjoy!
Heading out for a day of shopping in Chennai:
Lunch at the Malaysian Restaurant
Later that night we ordered Dominos:
Thanks for stopping by and looking into our world today... please be thinking of our health, packing, time and travel over the next 5 days.