Well, we have really turned the corner and it is just a matter of maybe 10 hours until we have everything packed away and cleaned up. Then we can re-arrange the living room, provide about 75% more room in our laundry room (not to mention everything being well organized now)… and we can rearrange Kathryn’s room from a snapshot of her years before leaving for High School in the U.S. – to a great guest room for whomever reads this blog and says, “You know, I would like to visit this hospital)”.
So, that basically describes our day from 9:30am (after morning devotions for the staff) until 6:30pm. Sweat, mildew, dust, and heat. But we have a cleared out and re-arranged storage room and when all is said and done today (Lord willing) we will hage gotten rid of 75% of the items in storage (mostly paper). We are recycling as much as possible. But is stinks that we had to burn over 50% of the papers because they are – sensitive in information. Oh well, nothing like the smell of 40 year old mildew paper burning in the morning.
I didn’t get to see who got voted off of “Idol” last night. Kathryn and I hit the sack around 9:30pm.
Prayers: That we have the strength to finish what we started today.
Praises: Progress!
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