Today the monthly meeting was scheduled one week early due to are departure and the in-laws being gone in Chennai next Monday. It was a good day.
I gave a devotional for the meeting based on the Parable of the Weeds and the Parable of the Good Samaritan. I hope most of the point got through. Basically I was pointing out that in Christ we are like weeds that become wheat, bearing good fruit. And that the token actions of these new sons and daughters of the Kingdom of God is the ability to not put our religious structure ahead of human suffering and the needs of this world. That God never asked us to sit on a mountain and meditate for days on end... though I would probably enjoy deeper meditation on the words of God. But he constantly points us to the hurting, needed and left behind until his return... that his children are the preservation of the world until he comes to 'remove all causes of sin and all law breakers'... so those who are still law breakers oughta recognize, repent and become wheat (children of the Kingdom of God, saved through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ).
And I pointed out that this little hospital is a earthly outgrowth, fruit, of the life of the Rees family. This is the Kingdom of God come to earth... until the full kingdom is revealed.
Most of today was met with frustration. The power has been on for 1 hour and then off for 30 minutes. It is confusing what is happening around here. No matter, although it has put an hamper on the degree of efficiency today, we are still getting stuff done.
Today Emrys went 3 hours away to Chittoor, the district headquarters. Think of a district like a super-county and the district headquarter like a super-county seat. They made some progress on the immigration front, we think.
I finally got around to filling out the beginning of our new transformation of the US Board of Directors. It will be a two year process, and probably a two month process to figure out what the end game really looks like, but we are getting half way there. I feel good actually having some stuff on paper. It took around 5 hours to get it all done with the power the way it has been, but my current task has been accomplished.
It is late right now, I am just checking e-mail and posting these words. We took a large group photo of the staff today. It is on the other camera and I am using the wrong laptop at the moment. So you will have to do with the large picture below (bottom of the blog) of the staff last winter, until I can edit today’s photos and post them tomorrow, or update this post.
Prayers: that we accomplish all that we can tomorrow, Tuesday, our last day at the Hospital. And for more rain. We have gotten one good storm last Thursday-Friday, but we could use another one here for the farmers and the temperatures.
Praises: Telegu praise music, it just sounds nice. And the fact that we have the chance to be forgiving, fully human, and to have a hope that cannot spoil or fade. (in this I greatly rejoice!)
Thanks for your prayers… and birthday emails, cards, etc. Even though they took 3 minutes to download here… many were worth it, and I thank you all.
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