Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Worst is Over

So today we finished the bulk of the sorting. There is still about 1 ton of scrap metal in the front yard, plastic cases, some shelves. So we have a little of our work left on monday/tuesday. and we have 3 barrels of fabrics and some computer equipment to move from the laundry room to the newly improved storage room. Kathryn and Robert have 4 barrels of childhood books to sort through on Monday also.

At least we were able to rearrange the 'living room' area. That was a relief. Even though I haven't sweat like that since football 2-a-days in high school. It was good to be soaked in sweat but at least sitting in a chair in a clean room, finally. I was given the task of walking up to the roof (120-130degrees) and bringing down 10 barrels (4 full of papers for recycling) and several other items. Even the 105 degree heat with a little breeze feels good after being up there for two minutes.

But I think I dropped 2 kilos working yesterday... that would be 4.5 lbs. At least I have that going for me. The only sugar I get out here (by choice mind you) is a 20 oz. 7up every other day. And maybe some "thumbs up" - a cola brand here.

i was invited to preach tomorrow at a local village congregation that Baskar (one of the evangelists/chaplains of the hospital) oversees. At least I got a 24 hour warning instead of the usual 2 hours. It is really a privilege to speak while I am here, But only on Sundays and a few mornings. After next Wednesday it will be 10 hour days working on the future of this mission, financial status, investor relations and media campaign ideas for the several items here that are behind schedule: chief of these is the maintenance of the current buildings.

By the time you read this, I will have probably already preached my sermon, and will be resting watching cricket on a Sunday. I hope your Sunday will also be worshipful and relaxing.

Prayers: Kathryn's hands flared up again. Please pray for her healing!

Praises: God's goodness and mercies are new every morning. Some staff who have slowly let the word of God touch their lives are interested in baptism. Amen!

thanks for your thoughts.

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