Please click on the pictures for a larger view!

Renamed after Lois' death two years ago. New Sign!

There are also 3 small guest rooms on this side.
If you can imagine a Children's HIV Ward built there by Christmas this year...
and two more wings (girls and boys) built by next winter (for a grand total of 20-25 children)...
it will be a wonderful sight from the office!

(the parallel road 100 yards away, leading to the grave site and the orchards is "David Drive")

FAME - a Christian Medical Org - is helping to construct this building.
It is farther along than this picture (6 months ago), however,
this picture gives you an idea of the floor plan.
Most of the walls are up now on the left side of the ward.
It should be done by Indian Independence day on August 15th (we pray).

You can also see the Maintenance/Car shed attached to the building.

Maintenance Shed/Cars on left of picture.
It is now being used for Office workers that have to travel to work during the week.

and walking down around 100 yards...
Behind the grave site is the farm.

And that is pretty much it. There are 25 acres. You have only seen around 6. The rest is employee quarters, and orchards, rice patties, sugar cane fields, and the "upper land" that we are currently trying to figure out the best vegetables to plant up there.
You can WIKI "Chittoor District, India" and you should be able to learn a little about the area. If you are interested. It is basically like Arizona/New Mexico this time of year -- and like Oregon/Washington State during the Monsoon! The "backwoods" of the southern districts in Andhra Pradesh (our state).
You can WIKI "Chittoor District, India" and you should be able to learn a little about the area. If you are interested. It is basically like Arizona/New Mexico this time of year -- and like Oregon/Washington State during the Monsoon! The "backwoods" of the southern districts in Andhra Pradesh (our state).
You should really see it yourself! REALLY! If anyone is interested, letmeknow!!!
ok, that was cool! Thanks for all the pictures. It's so much nicer that I imagined it was!